1. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Terahertz Aperiodic Multilayered Structure Arranged According to the Kolakoski Sequence, Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Detection of Explosives and CBRN (Using Terahertz), ed. by M. Pereira and O. Shulika (Springer, Dordrecht, 2014), Chapter 4, ISBN 978-94-017-8571-6. DOI 10.1007/9, pp.25-32 (2014)
2. D.M. Vavriv, A.V. Somov, K. Schuenemann and V.A. Volkov: Clinotron Based Terahertz Imaging System, In: THz and Security Applications. Detectors, Sources and Associated Electronics for THz Applications, Chapter 12, Ed. by Carlo Corsi and Fedir Sizov, Spinger, pp.229-237 (2014)
4. D.M. Vavriv and A.Yu. Nimets: Torus hysteresis, Radiofizika i Radioastronomia, Vol. 19, #3, pp.267-275 (2014) (in Russian)
10. M.V. Balaban and A.V. Somov: Increasing a Circular Antenna Array Directivity, Radiophysics and Electronics (IRE NANU), Vol. 5, #3, pp.9-19 (2014) (in Russian)
14. A.Yu. Nimets and D.M. Vavriv: Bistability Due to the Interaction of High- and Low-Frequency Oscillations, Proc. 5th Int. Radio Electronic Forum (IREF-2014), Int. Scientific and Practical Conf. "Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology" (PICS&T-2014), KhNURE, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 14-17 Oct., pp.253-257 (2014)
15. V.A. Volkov: Современное состояние и перспективы развития радиолокационных систем, Материалы III Всеукраинской научно-технической конференции "Практические аспекты совместимости электромагнитной и молниезащиты (ПАСЕБ-2014)" (1-3 октября 2014 г., Харьков, Украина), pp.31-31 (2014) (in Russian)
17. Y. Reshitnyk, B.A. Kochetov and A. Fedorov: Compact low return loss low-pass filter, EQuS 2014 Annual Workshop, 4-5 December 2014, Sydney, Australia, pp.1-1 (2014)
18. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, P.P.R. Garcia, I.A. Sukhoivanov and O.V. Shulika: One-dimensional aperiodic OmniGuide structure, Proceedings of the VII International Workshop: Septima Reunion Universitaria de Fotonica y Optica (RUFO), September 24-26, Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico, pp.22-22 (2014)
19. A.Yu. Nimets and D.M. Vavriv: Bistability induced by low-to high-frequency interactions, 14th Kharkiv Young Scientists Conference on radiophysics, electronics, photonics and biophysics (YSC-2014), 14-17 October 2014, pp.1 (2014)
20. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, P.P.R. Garcia and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Dispersion properties of a one-dimensional aperiodic OmniGuide structure, SPIE Optics+Photonics. Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VIII, San Diego, California (USA), 17-20 August, pp.463 (2014)
21. I.M. Gorovyi, O.O. Bezvesilniy and D.M. Vavriv: A new autofocus method for high-resolution synthetic aperture radar imaging, 14th Kharkiv Young Scientists Conference on radiophysics, electronics, photonics and biophysics (YSC-2014), 14-17 October 2014, pp.1 (2014)
22. I.M. Gorovyi, O.O. Bezvesilniy and D.M. Vavriv: Residual Phase Errors and Autofocusing in Airborne SAR Systems, Proceedings of the 2014 Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium (September 23-25, 2014, Kiev, Ukraine), pp.103-106 (2014)
23. N.I. Avtomonov, V.D. Naumenko, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Terahertz Spatial-Harmonic Magnetrons Development, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.689-692 (2014)
24. V.A. Volkov, D.M. Vavriv, E.V. Bulakh and A.A. Kravtsov: Broadband Low-Noise Receiver Front-End with Ultrawide Bandwidth, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.675-678 (2014)
25. D.M. Vavriv, O.O. Bezvesilniy, R.V. Kozhin, V.V. Vinogradov, V.A. Volkov, I.M. Gorovyi and S.S. Sekretarov: X-Band SAR System for Light-Weight Aircrafts, Proceedings of the 15th International Radar Symposium (IRS 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), pp.501-505 (2014)
26. I.M. Gorovyi, O.O. Bezvesilniy and D.M. Vavriv: A Novel Trajectory Restoration Algorithm for High-Resolution SAR Imaging, Proceedings of the 15th International Radar Symposium (IRS 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), pp.170-173 (2014)
27. S.V. Sosnytskiy: Restoration of Aliased Average Doppler Spectra, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.571-574 (2014)
28. O.O. Bezvesilniy, B.A. Kochetov and D.M. Vavriv: Moving Target Detection with Multi-Look SAR, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.559-562 (2014)
29. S.O. Iakushev, V.I. Fesenko, O.V. Shulika and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Triangular pulses in normally dispersive optical fibers, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.432-434 (2014)