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16 results found for: Year '2001'
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Self-consistent simulation of the spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode., IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 48, #5, pp.993-997 (2001) |
2. D.M. Vavriv and S.V. Sosnytskiy: Nonstationary theory of spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold cathode., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 6, #1, pp.131-141 (2001) (in Russian) |
3. D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov and S.A. Rasbeyko: Control system for meteorological complex of atmosphere remote sensing., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 6, #3, pp.212-221 (2001) (in Russian) |
4. V.B. Ryabov and K. Ito: Intermittent phase transitions in a slider-block model as a mechanism for earthquakes., Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 158, #5-6, pp.919-930 (2001) |
5. D.M. Vavriv and G.M. Suchkov: A method of information processing for a high-speed nondestructive testing., Defectoscopy, #8, pp.50-52 (2001) (in Russian) |
6. Ye.Ye. Lysenko, O.F. Pishko, V.G. Chumak and S.A. Churilova: Q-factor of the resonant line of mm- and submm-wave clinotrons., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 6, #4, pp.317-322 (2001) (in Russian) |
7. Yu.A. Tsarin: On calculation of the breakdown electromagnetic field in low-temperature microwave plasmatrons., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 6, #4, pp.323-327 (2001) (in Russian) |
8. D.M. Vavriv, P.M. Kanilo, V.I. Kazantsev, N.I. Rasyuk, A.V. Tymchik, K.V. Kostenko, S.V. Gritsaenko and V.I. Khomenko: Microwave plasma technology for burning low-rank coals., Bulletin of National Technical University KhPI, Scientific Proceedings, Kharkov, #3, pp.21-24 (2001) (in Russian) |
9. P.M. Kanilo, N.I. Rasyuk, D.M. Vavriv, K.V. Kostenko, B.L. Kossko and A.V. Tymchik: Experimental set for the study of microwave technologies of high-ash coals combustion., Eco-technologies and Resource Saving, Vol. 1, pp.78-81 (2001) (in Russian) |
10. A.E. Serebryannikov, A.E. Moiseenko and Yu.A. Tsarin: Modified equivalent impedance approach for azimuthally corrugated lossy structures., Electromagnetics, Vol. 21, pp.199-211 (2001) |
Presentations on International Meetings
11. A. Belikov, K. Schuenemann, B.V. Trush, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: 95 GHz, 2 kW magnetron transmitter of 20 ns pulses., Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Intern. Vacuum Electronics Conference, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (2001) |
12. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Optimizing the design of the spatial-harmonic magnetrons., Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Intern. Vacuum Electronics Conference, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (2001) |
13. D.M. Vavriv: Cloud radar activities at the Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine., Proc. of the 4th Intern. Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Waves", June 4-9, Kharkov, Ukraine, pp.85-89 (2001) |
14. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Physics of spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold cathode., Proc. of the 4th Intern. Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Waves", June 4-9, Kharkov, Ukraine, pp.522-524 (2001) |
15. G.V. Litvinenko, H.O. Rucker, V.V. Vinogradov, B.P. Ryabov and V.E. Shaposhnikov: Some results of the Jovian DAM emission investigation with wavelet analysis technique., Proc. of the 5th International Workshop held at Graz, Austria, pp.113 (2001) |
16. O.O. Bezvesilniy, V.V. Vinogradov and K. Schuenemann: Image denoising algorithm based on template wavelet coefficients., Proc. of the 5th International Workshop held at Graz, Austria, pp.407 (2001) |
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