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A.E. Moiseenko

Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, 4 Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 61002 Ukraine

4 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. V.D. Naumenko, A.N. Suvorov, V.A. Markov, A.E. Moiseenko and R.V. Naumenko: To question about choise of type of secondary-emission cathode for millimetr wave magnetron, Radiophysics and electronics, Vol. 14, #3, pp.378-383 (2009) (in Russian)

2. A.E. Moiseenko, V.D. Naumenko, A.N. Suvorov and A.R. Syrov: Long Life 3 mm Pulse Magnetron, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 8, #4, pp.421-428 (2003) (in Russian)

3. A.E. Serebryannikov, A.E. Moiseenko and Yu.A. Tsarin: Modified equivalent impedance approach for azimuthally corrugated lossy structures., Electromagnetics, Vol. 21, pp.199-211 (2001)

Presentations on International Meetings

4. V.D. Naumenko, A.N. Suvorov and A.E. Moiseenko: High-power 95 GHz pulsed magnetrons, Proceedings of the 21th Int. Crimean Conference Microwave & Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo 2011). 12-16 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, pp.335-337 (2011) (in Russian)

