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D.V. Shygimaga

5 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. D.V. Shygimaga, D.M. Vavriv and V.V. Vinogradov: Chaos due to the interaction of high- and low-frequency modes. , IEEE Trans. CAS, Vol. 45, #12, pp.1255-1259 (1998)

2. D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov and D.V. Shygimaga: Chaos due to the interaction of high- and low-frequency modes., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 42, #2, pp.197-203 (1997) (in Russian)

Presentations on International Meetings

3. D.V. Shygimaga and D.M. Vavriv: High- and Low-frequency External forcing., Proc. Fifth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynanical Systems, May 23-27, Snowbird, Utah, pp.63 (1999)

4. D.V. Shygimaga, D.M. Vavriv and V.V. Vinogradov: Chaos due to the interaction of high- and low-frequency modes., Proc. of 14-th International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations, Belgium (1997)

5. D.V. Shygimaga, D.M. Vavriv and V.V. Vinogradov: Chaos due to interaction og high- and low-frequency modes., German-Ukrainian Seminar “Microwave Electronics: Theory, Devices, and Applications”. April 23, Kharkov, Ukraine, pp.69 - 77 (1996)

