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A.G. Zagorodny

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

6 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. V.A. Buts and A.G. Zagorodny: Features of New Cyclotron Resonances, as Well as Conditions for Resonant Acceleration of Charged Particles in a Vacuum Without a Magnetic Field, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, #4-146, pp.1-7 (2023)

2. V.A. Buts and A.G. Zagorodny: New Resonances in Wave-Particle Interactions, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 30(8), pp.082301 (2023)

3. V.A. Buts and A.G. Zagorodny: On Effective Acceleration of Charged Particles In Vacuum, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, #4-134, pp.39-42 (2021)

4. V.A. Buts, I.K. Kovalchuk, A.P. Tolstoluzhsky and A.G. Zagorodny: Control of Wave Interaction Processes in Plasma, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, #4-134, pp.144-148 (2021)

5. V.A. Buts and A.G. Zagorodny: New cyclotron resonances and features of charged-particle dynamics in the presence of an intense electromagnetic wave , Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 28, #2, pp.022311 (2021)

Presentations on International Meetings

6. V.A. Buts and A.G. Zagorodny: Features of New Cyclotron Resonances, as Well as Conditions for Resonant Acceleration of Charged Particles in a Vacuum Without a Magnetic Field, XVI International Workshop "Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration", September 5-6, NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine (2023)

