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Articles in Refereed Journals
1. S.V. Gritsaenko, V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin, V.D. Naumenko and A.N. Suvorov: Vacuum and solid-state electronics. Multiresonator magnetrons with cold secondary-emisson cathode:achevements, problems, perspectives (in Russian)., Radiophysics and Electronics, Vol. 10, pp.499-529 (2005) (in Russian) |
2. V.D. Eremka, O.P. Kulagin and V.D. Naumenko: Magnetrons development and ivestigations in Usikov's Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics and Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU., Radio Physics and Electronics, special issue, Vol. 9, pp.42-67 (2004) (in Russian) |
Presentations on International Meetings
3. V.D. Naumenko, A.N. Suvorov, V.A. Markov, N.I. Avtomonov, V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin and J.-I. Kim: Development of Ka-Range Magnetron for Portable Radar, Proceedings of the 20th Int. Crimean Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology" (CriMiCo’2010). 13-17 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, pp.305-307 (2010) |
4. V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin, A.S. Tishchenko, V.D. Naumenko, A.N. Suvorov and J.-I. Kim: Simulation and Experimental Breadboarding of 35 Ghz Spatial Harmonic Magnetrons with Cold Cathode, Proceedings of the 20th Int. Crimean Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology" (CriMiCo’2010). 13-17 September, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, pp.310-313 (2010) |
5. V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin and V.D. Naumenko: Spatial-harmonic magnetrons - THz electromagnetic radiation oscillators, International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT'2008), Vol. 3, pp.1199-1201 (2008) |
6. V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin and V.D. Naumenko: THZ-range spatial-harmonic magnetrons, MSMW’07 Symposium Proceedings. Kharkov, Ukraine, June 25-30, 2007, pp.281-283 (2007) |
7. V.D. Eremka, V.D. Naumenko and O.P. Kulagin: 3-D Simulation of millimeter-wave cold secondary emission cathode drift-orbital resonance magnetrons, IVEC 2006, april 25-27, Monterey, California, USA, pp.189-190 (2006) |
8. V.D. Eremka, O.P. Kulagin, M.A. Kopot' and V.D. Naumenko: Surface-wave magnetrons: Electromagnetic radiation oscillators in Thz range, 16th Int.Crimean Conference "Microwave&Telecommunication Technology", 11-15 September, pp.265-268 (2006) |
9. V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin and V.D. Naumenko: 3-D Simulation of cold cathode magnetrons operating on a space harmonic in a drift-orbital resonance mode, 16th Int.Crimean Conference "Microwave&Telecommunication Technology". 11-15 september, pp.293-295 (2006) |
10. V.D. Eremka, M.A. Kopot', O.P. Kulagin, S.V. Gritsaenko, V.D. Naumenko and A.N. Suvorov: Multicavity magnetrons with cold secondary emission cathode: achievements, problems, perspectives, 16th Crimean Conference "Microwave&Telecommunication Technology", 11-15 September, pp.18-36 (2006) |
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