Nonlinear phenomena and chaos

We concern with the class of chaotic states, which can arise in weakly nonlinear systems. We have predicted theoretically and proved experimentally that any degree of nonlinearity, however small, can initiate a chaotic behavior in physical and other systems [1, 2]. Efficient analitical numerical, and experimental methods have been proposed for the study of the conditions for, and the mechanisms of, the transition to chaos in the weakly nonlinear limit [1 -6]. These findings have been applied to the investigation of the chaos onset in various systems starting from various RF- and microwave devices [7 - 10] , SQUIDs [11], micro- and nanomechanichal systems [12] and up to motion of tectonic plates [13] and dynamics of variable stars [14].

Fig.1 Experimental observation of a strange attractor in a weakly nonlinear circuit with quasi-periodic forcing [5]


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