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Quantum Zeno Effect, Kapitsa Pendulum and Spinning Top Principle. Comparative Analysis
arXiv:1711.01071, pp.1-47 (2017)

V.A. Buts

Comparative analysis of three stabilization mechanisms of unstable states of physical systems is presented in this review. These mechanisms are: the quantum Zeno effect, the stabilization of unstable states in an external fast oscillating field (i.e. the Kapitza pendulum), and the mechanism named as the spinning top mechanism. The common features of these mechanisms, as well as the differences between them, are analyzed in the paper. In particular, it is shown that the stabilization of quantum systems is possible without involvement of such concept as the collapse of wave function. For stabilization it is sufficient to have a stabilizing radiation flow with the Rabi frequency of transitions exceeding some frequency. This frequency is inversely proportional to the lifetime of the state under stabilization. It is shown that the Top principle allows stabilizing unstable systems using affecting only those states to which these systems must go over. It is shown that stabilization of unstable states by impact of rapidly oscillating forces occurs by non-self-consistent exposure, i.e. the dynamics of stabilizing field is independent on the dynamics of the stabilized state. Stabilization using the spinning top principle involves self-consistent forces, and thus, in many cases can be the most effective mechanism of stabilization.

