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V.A. Myand

Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, 4 Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 61002 Ukraine

3 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. A.N. Suvorov, V.D. Naumenko and V.A. Myand: Selecting the Starter Cathode for the Pulsed Magnetron with a Cold Secondary-Emission Cathode, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 59, #10-1, pp.110 (2003)

2. A.N. Suvorov, V.D. Naumenko and V.A. Myand: On choice of the start cathode for pulsed magnetron with cold secondary-emission cathode., Radio Physics and Electrinics, Vol. 8, #2, pp.254-258 (2003) (in Russian)

Presentations on International Meetings

3. V.A. Myand, V.D. Naumenko, A.V. Soin and A.N. Suvorov: Long lifetime tests of 3-mm wave magnetrons with secondary-emission cathode, Symposium Proceedings of the Fifth International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter, and SubMillimeter Waves Kharkov, Ukraine June 21-26, Vol. 2, pp.509-511 (2004)

