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L.V. Vavriv

4 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. L.V. Vavriv and A.E. Serebryannikov: Analysis of propagation of ultra-wide band pulse in the waveguide with local inhomogeneity., Izv. Vuz.-Radioelektronika, Vol. 40, #10, pp.3-14 (1997)

2. L.V. Vavriv and A.E. Serebryannikov: Analysis and synthesis of electromagnetic field in high-power simulators of electrodynamic influence., Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika, #4, pp.21-27 (1996) (in Russian)

3. L.V. Vavriv and A.E. Serebryannikov: Methodological aspects of testing aerospace systems stability under powerful electromagnetic influences., Turk. J. Phys., Vol. 20, #8, pp.984-987 (1996)

Presentations on International Meetings

4. A.E. Serebryannikov and L.V. Vavriv: Trial pulse response: a basis for deve-loping transient analysis of fields and signals., The 6th Int. Conf. on Math. Methods in Electromagn. Theory, Lviv, Ukraine (1996)

