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K. Schuenemann

TU Hamburg-Harburg, Harburg, Germany

64 Publications

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Books and Book Chapters

1. D.M. Vavriv, A.V. Somov, K. Schuenemann and V.A. Volkov: Clinotron Based Terahertz Imaging System, In: THz and Security Applications. Detectors, Sources and Associated Electronics for THz Applications, Chapter 12, Ed. by Carlo Corsi and Fedir Sizov, Spinger, pp.229-237 (2014)

Articles in Refereed Journals

2. N. NasrEsfahani, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: A new class of spatial harmonic magnetrons with potentials for CW and sub-THz operation, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Vol. 15(8), pp.1308-1318 (2023)

3. N.I. Avtomonov, V.D. Naumenko, D.M. Vavriv, K. Schuenemann, A.N. Suvorov and V.A. Markov: Toward Terahertz Magnetrons: 210-GHz Spatial-Harmonic Magnetron With Cold Cathode, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 59, #12, pp.3608-3611 (2012)

4. P.M. Kanilo, D.M. Vavriv, V. Solovey, K.V. Kostenko, V.Ye. Kostuk and K. Schuenemann: Technology of firing low-grade coal in power plants without additional use of oil fuel or natiral gas, Journal of mechanical engineering, Vol. 10, #1, pp.91-98 (2007)

5. D.M. Vavriv, P.M. Kanilo, N.I. Rasyuk, A.V. Tymchik, V.N. Bormotov, K.V. Kostenko, A.V. Shevchenko, G.V. Solovyov, L.V. Shevtsova, S.A. Yermak and K. Schuenemann: Investigation of the coal dust combustion in the experimental microwave plasma burner, Promyshlennaya teplotekhnika, #2 (2007) (in Russian)

6. P.M. Kanilo, D.M. Vavriv, K. Schuenemann, V. Solovey, V.Ye. Kostuk and K.V. Kostenko: Alternative poor coals fiering technologies without black mineral oil or natural gas adding for heat power plants, Aerospace technic and technology, Vol. 36, #10, pp.82-90 (2006)

7. A.V. Shevchenko, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: "Control system for a magnetron generator with the output microwave power of 100 KW", Technique and Electro Physics of High Voltages, Proceedings of NTU "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute", #49, pp.169-176 (2005)

8. D.M. Vavriv, P.M. Kanilo and K. Schuenemann: "Investigation of pulverised coal at an experimental plasma burner", Problems of Machine Building, Vol. 8, #3, pp.79-86 (2005)

9. A.E. Serebryannikov, O.E. Vasylchenko and K. Schuenemann: Fast coupled-integral-equations-based analysis of azimuthally corrugated cavities., IEEE Microwave and Wireless Communictions Letters, Vol. 14, pp.240- 242 (2004)

10. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov and O.E. Vasylchenko: Analysis of non-periodic azimuthally corrugated structures by coupled-integral-equations technique., Int. J. Elecron. Commun., Vol. 58, #2, pp.79-85 (2004)

11. K. Schuenemann and A.E. Serebryannikov: Azimuthally corrugated non-periodic cavity with special eigenfrequency spectrum., Electron. Lett., Vol. 39, #3, pp.296-297 (2003)

12. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Optimizing the spatial-harmonic millimeter-wave magnetron., Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 10, #6, pp.2559-2565 (2003)

13. P.M. Kanilo, V.I. Kazantsev, N.I. Rasyuk, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Microwave plasma combustion of coal., Fuel, Vol. 82, pp.187-193 (2003)

14. D.M. Vavriv, V.I. Kazantsev, P.M. Kanilo, A.I. Lebedyuk, A.V. Messerle, N.I. Rasyuk, A.V. Tymchik and K. Schuenemann: Usage of microwave energy for oil-free kindling and stabilization of combustion of lean coals., Proc. of Bauman State Technical University, Vol. 50, #1, pp.87-98 (2003)

15. V.I. Kazantsev, D.M. Vavriv, P.M. Kanilo, N.I. Rasyuk, K. Schuenemann, S.V. Gritsaenko, A.V. Tymchik and A.V. Messerle: Study of microwave plasma technology of combustion of low-grade coals., Teploenergetika, #2, pp.39-45 (2002) (in Russian)

16. D.M. Vavriv, V.I. Kazantsev, P.M. Kanilo, M.M. Levin, N.I. Rasyuk, K. Schuenemann, S.V. Gritsaenko and A.V. Tymchik: Microwave plasma technology of coal combustion., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 7, #1, pp.88-96 (2002) (in Russian)

17. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov and D.M. Vavriv: Analytical estimates of electromagnetic characteristics of the loaded azimuthally corrugated cavities. , J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 16, #6, pp.757-770 (2002)

18. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Self-consistent simulation of the spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode., IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 48, #5, pp.993-997 (2001)

19. S. Manzhos, K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Clinotron: a promising source for THz regions., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 5, #3, pp.265-273 (2000) (in Russian)

20. O.O. Bezvesilniy, V.V. Vinogradov and K. Schuenemann: Noise reduction algorithm based on template wavelet coefficients., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 5, #3, pp.301-311 (2000)

21. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Mathematical model of spatial-harmonic magnetron with cold secondary-emission cathode., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 5, #2, pp.171-180 (2000) (in Russian)

22. S. Manzhos, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Plasma frequency depression coefficients for an electron beam scattering on metallic surfaces., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 4, #1, pp.5-12 (1999) (in Russian)

23. K. Schuenemann, B.V. Trush, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: Millimeter wave transmitters on the basis of spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode for coherent radar systems., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 4, #4, pp.357-360 (1999) (in Russian)

24. V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Miniature 1 kW, 95 GHz magnetrons., Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, #22, pp.1960-1961 (1999)

25. K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Theory of the Clinotron: A Grating Backward-Wave Oscillator with Inclined Electron Beam., IEEE Trans. ED, Vol. 46, #11, pp.2245-2252 (1999)

26. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov and D.M. Vavriv: Analysis of the complex natural frequency spectrum of the azimuthally periodic coaxial cavity., Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett., Vol. 17, #5, pp.308-313 (1998)

27. D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Amplification regimes of the orotron: A single-resonator amplifier., Physical Review E, Vol. 57, #5, pp.5993-6007 (1998)

28. M. Jenett, V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: 2 kV generator for subnanosecond pulses, Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, #11, pp.918-919 (1997)

Presentations on International Meetings

29. D.M. Vavriv, V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann, V.A. Markov and A.N. Suvorov: Advances in Spatial-Harmonic Magnetrons with Cold Secondary-Emission Cathode, Proceedings of the 47th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2017), Nuremberg, Germany, October 10-12, pp.672-675 (2017)

30. A.Yu. Nimets, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Controlling the Oscillator Frequency Synchronization by a Low-Frequency Drive, Proceedings of the 47th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2017), Nuremberg, Germany, October 10-12, pp.1120-1123 (2017)

31. A.Yu. Nimets, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Three-frequency resonances in single-mode systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW'2016), 20-24 June 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp.699-703 (2016)

32. A.Yu. Nimets, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Three-Frequency Resonances in Nanomechanical Resonators, Proceedings of the E-MRS 2016 Fall Meeting, 19-22 September 2016, Warsaw, Poland (2016)

33. V.D. Naumenko, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode: Advances and challenges, 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) 20-24 June 2016, pp.1-4 (2016)

34. A.Yu. Nimets, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Controlling the characteristics in nanomechanical resonators, Proceedings of the 11th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2016), 3-4 October 2016, London, Great Britain, pp.369-372 (2016)

35. N. NasrEsfahani, K. Schuenemann, N.I. Avtomonov and D.M. Vavriv: Epsilon Near Zero Loaded Magnetrons, Design and Realization, Proceedings of the 45th European Microwave Conference (EuMC-2015), 7-10 Sept 2015, Paris, France, pp.454-457 (2015)

36. N.I. Avtomonov, V.D. Naumenko, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Terahertz Spatial-Harmonic Magnetrons Development, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON 2014) (June 16-18, Gdansk, Poland), Vol. 2, pp.689-692 (2014)

37. D.M. Vavriv, K. Schuenemann, V.A. Volkov and A.V. Somov: High Power Sources for Terahertz Sensors, Proc. of the 6th Future Security Conference, Berlin, September 5-7 (2011)

38. O.O. Bezvesilniy, I.V. Dukhopelnykova, V.V. Vinogradov, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Homogeneity Criteria for Lee and Wavelet-Based Speckle Reduction Filters, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar EUSAR2006, Dresden, Germany, May 16-18 (2006)

39. Ye.A. Alekseev, A. Belikov, R.V. Kozhin, K. Schuenemann, A.V. Shevchenko, D.M. Vavriv, V.A. Volkov and V.V. Vinogradov: 118-178 GHz Synthesized Sweep Oscillator., Proceedings of the 34-th European Microwave Conference, October 11-15, , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.761-764 (2004)

40. A.E. Serebryannikov, S.V. Sosnytskiy, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: A Compromising Design of Cavities for Higher-Space-Harmonic Millimeter-Wave Magnetrons Operating with Non-p Groove Mode, Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 3-4 (2004)

41. O.O. Bezvesilniy, V.V. Vinogradov, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Wavelet-Based Image Processing: Edge Detection and Noise Reduction., Proc. of 17th Intern. Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, October 1-3, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.123-126 (2003)

42. D.M. Vavriv, P.M. Kanilo, V.I. Kazantsev, N.I. Rasyuk and K. Schuenemann: Microwave Plasma Technology of Coal Ignition and Combustion., Conference Abstracts of the 30th IEEE Conference on Plasma Science, June 2-5, Jeju, Korea, pp.448 (2003)

43. D.M. Vavriv, V.A. Volkov, V.V. Vinogradov, R.V. Kozhin and K. Schuenemann: 95 GHz Doppler polarimetric cloud radar based on a magnetron transmitter., 32nd Microwave European Conference, September 23-27, Milano, Italy (2002)

44. A. Belikov, R.V. Kozhin, K. Schuenemann, B.V. Trush, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: 95 GHz, 2 kW magnetron transmitter of 20 ns pulses., Proceedings of German Radar Symposium-2002, September 3-5, Bonn, Germany, pp.571-574 (2002)

45. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Numerically rigorous analysis of the rising-sun magnetron cavity., ICMMT2002, China (2002)

46. O.O. Bezvesilniy, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv and V.V. Vinogradov: Radar image processing by wavelet edge analysis", , pp., Proceedings of German Radar Symposium - 2002, September 3-5, Bonn, Germany, pp.253-257 (2002)

47. O.O. Bezvesilniy, V.V. Vinogradov and K. Schuenemann: Image denoising algorithm based on template wavelet coefficients., Proc. of the 5th International Workshop held at Graz, Austria, pp.407 (2001)

48. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Physics of spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold cathode., Proc. of the 4th Intern. Kharkov Symposium "Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Waves", June 4-9, Kharkov, Ukraine, pp.522-524 (2001)

49. K. Schuenemann, A.E. Serebryannikov, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Optimizing the design of the spatial-harmonic magnetrons., Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Intern. Vacuum Electronics Conference, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (2001)

50. A. Belikov, K. Schuenemann, B.V. Trush, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: 95 GHz, 2 kW magnetron transmitter of 20 ns pulses., Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Intern. Vacuum Electronics Conference, Noordwijk, the Netherlands (2001)

51. K. Schuenemann, B.V. Trush, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: Millimeter wave transmitters on the basis of spatial-harmonic magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode for coherent radar systems., Proc. The 30th European Microwave Conf., Paris, France (2000)

52. V.N. Bormotov, G. Peters, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov and V.A. Volkov: 36 GHz Doppler radar for remote sensing of the atmosphere., Proc. of Millennium Conf. on Antennas and Propagation, Davos (2000)

53. V.N. Bormotov, G. Peters, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov and V.A. Volkov: 95 GHz Doppler Cloud Radar Based on Magnetron Transmitter., MST9 - COST 76 Workshop, France, Toulouse (2000)

54. M. Jenett, R.V. Kozhin, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv and V.V. Vinogradov: A universal data acquisition system for radar applications., Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg (1999)

55. S.A. Churilova, O.F. Pishko, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Submillimeter-Wave Clinotrons with Distributed Energy Output., Proc. of 24th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Monterey, California, USA. September 6-10 (1999)

56. K. Schuenemann, S.V. Sosnytskiy and D.M. Vavriv: Electron-Surface-Wave Interaction in Magnetrons with Cold Secondary-Emission Cathode., Proc. of 24th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Monterey, California, USA. September 6-10 (1999)

57. A.I. Timchenko, A.E. Serebryannikov and K. Schuenemann: Remote sensing of oil slicks on sea with millimeter-wave radar., Proc. of 10th MICROCALL, Budapest, Hungary, pp.137-140 (1999)

58. M. Jenett, V.I. Kazantsev, A. Kurekin, K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov and V.A. Volkov: Dual 94 and 36 GHz radar system for remote sensing applications., Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Hamburg (1999)

59. S.A. Churilova, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Potentials of the clinotron for high-power high-frequency generation., Proc. of the 28th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, 6-8 October, pp.300-305 (1998)

60. S.A. Churilova, D.M. Vavriv and K. Schuenemann: Clinotron operation at (sub-) millimeter waves: theory and experiments., Proc. of Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, April 29-30, pp.465-469 (1998)

61. V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann, V.Ye. Semenuta, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: MM-wave transmitters using magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode., Proc. of MSMW’98 Symposium. Kharkov, Ukraine, September 15-17, pp.76-81 (1998)

62. K. Schuenemann, D.M. Vavriv and K. Yemelyanov: Theory of the clinotron., Proc. of the 22-nd Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, USA (1997)

63. V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann, V.Ye. Semenuta, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: Transmitters based on magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathode., Proc. of the 22-nd Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, USA, pp.42-43 (1997)

64. V.D. Naumenko, K. Schuenemann, V.Ye. Semenuta, D.M. Vavriv and V.A. Volkov: 140 GHz Transmitters Using Magnetrons with Cold Secondary-Emission Cathode., Proc. of the 27-th European Microwave Conference, Israel (1997)

