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V.B. Ryabov

Future University - Hakodate 116-2 Kamedanakano-cho Hakodate Hokkaido, 041-8655

39 Publications

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Books and Book Chapters

1. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Chaotic instabilities in single- and multi-mode electronic devices., In: Low Temperature and General Plasma. Nove Science Publishers, Inc., pp.1-10 (1996)

Articles in Refereed Journals

2. V.V. Zakharenko, D.M. Vavriv, V.V. Vinogradov, R.V. Kozhin, A.A. Kravtsov, E.V. Bulakh, A.I. Kuzin and V.B. Ryabov: Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT, Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, Vol. 5, #4, pp.1-19 (2016)

3. V.B. Ryabov, D.M. Vavriv, P. Zarka, B.P. Ryabov, R.V. Kozhin, V.V. Vinogradov and L. Denis: A low-noise, high-dynamic-range, digital receiver for radio astronomy applications: an efficient solution for observing radio-bursts from Jupiter, the Sun, pulsars, and other astrophysical plasmas below 30 MHz, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 510, pp.1-13 (2010)

4. V.B. Ryabov, B.P. Ryabov, D.M. Vavriv, P. Zarka, R.V. Kozhin, V.V. Vinogradov and A.V. Shevchenko: Jupiter S-bursts: Narrow-band origin of microsecond subpulses, Journal of Geophysical Research, pp.206-236 (2007)

5. V.B. Ryabov and K. Ito: Intermittent phase transitions in a slider-block model as a mechanism for earthquakes., Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 158, #5-6, pp.919-930 (2001)

6. V.B. Ryabov, P.V. Usik and D.M. Vavriv: Chaotic masking without synchronization., International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, Vol. 9, #6, pp.1181-11 (1999)

7. V.B. Ryabov, A.V. Stepanov, P.V. Usik, V.V. Vinogradov, D.M. Vavriv and Yu.F. Yurovsky: From chaotic to 1/f processes in solar mcw-bursts., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 324, pp.750-762 (1997)

8. D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov, S.A. Sharapov and K. Ito: Chaotic states of weakly and strongly nonlinear oscillators with quasiperiodic excitation., Physical Review E., Vol. 53, #1, pp.103-111 (1996)

9. D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov and S.A. Sharapov: The influence of amplitude- and frequency-modulated signals on a nonlinear oscillator., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 38, #3, pp.464-472 (1993) (in Russian)

10. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Current Lyapunov exponents and the conditions of chaos arising., Zh. Vychislit. Mat. and Mat. Fiz., Vol. 32, #9, pp.1409-1421 (1992) (in Russian)

11. D.M. Vavriv, L.N. Litvinenko, V.B. Ryabov, A.V. Stepanov, P.V. Usik and Yu.F. Yurovsky: Dynamical structure of the microwave emission of Solar flares., Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukr. Ser. A., #7, pp.75-78 (1992) (in Russian)

12. V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Multistable states in a weakly nonlinear oscillator., Pisma v Zh. Tech. Fiz., Vol. 17, #11, pp.55-59 (1991) (in Russian)

13. S.A. Bulgakov, V.B. Ryabov, V.I. Shnyrkov and D.M. Vavriv: Effect of the magnetic-flux variations on SQUID stability. , J. Low Temp. Phys., Vol. 83, #5/6, pp.241-255 (1991)

14. V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Conditions of quasiperiodic oscillations destruction in the weakly nonlinear Duffing oscillator. , Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 153, pp.431-436 (1991)

15. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: A prerequisite to the destruction of quasiperiodic oscillations in the weakly nonlinear Duffing oscillator., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 11, #36, pp.2148-2155 (1991) (in Russian)

16. D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaotic dynamics of parametric forced oscillators., Zh. Tekh. F iz., Vol. 61, #12, pp.1-11 (1991) (in Russian)

17. D.M. Vavriv, G.A. Gromov and V.B. Ryabov: The interaction of chaotic and noise oscillations in quasilinear systems., Zh. Tekh. Fiz., Vol. 66, #11, pp.1-10 (1990) (in Russian)

18. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: The current Lyapunov exponents, Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukr. RSR. Ser. A., Vol. 55, #2, pp.50-52 (1990) (in Russian)

19. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Probability distribution of the distances on a strange attractor, Proc. Kharkov Univ., "Radiofizika i Elektronika", Vol. 336, pp.27-28 (1989)

20. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Fractal dimension: problems of calculations., Zh. Vychislit. Mat. & Mat. Fiz.,, Vol. 29, #7, pp.987-999 (1989) (in Russian)

21. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Fractal dimension of self-similar attractors., Zh.Tekh.Fiz., Vol. 59, #8, pp.118-119 (1989) (in Russian)

Presentations on International Meetings

22. P. Zarka and V.B. Ryabov: Discovery of the radio emission from the Ganymede-Jupiter interaction, SF2A - France Astrophysical week, 14-17 June 2016, Lyon (2016)

23. P. Zarka and V.B. Ryabov: Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions, Abstract book of the 8-th International Workshop on "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions" (PRE VIII) held at Leibnitz, Austria, October 25 - 27, 2016, pp.32 (2016)

24. V.V. Zakharenko, C. Milostnaya, A.A. Konovalenko, G.V. Litvinenko, G. Fischer, J.-M. Greissmeier, P. Zarka, B.P. Ryabov, D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov, H.O. Rucker, P. Ravier, M. Sidorchuk, B. Cecconi, A. Coffre, L. Denis, C. Fabrice, R.V. Kozhin, D. Mukha, L. Pallier, J. Schneider, V. Shevchenko, V.V. Vinogradov, R. Weber and V. Nikolaenko: Ground-Based and Space Observations of Planetary Thunderstorm Activity, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW'2010), 21-26 June 2010, Kharkov, Ukraine, pp.1 - 3 (2010)

25. P. Zarka, J.-M. Greissmeier, A.A. Konovalenko, G. Fischer, B.P. Ryabov, D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov, H.O. Rucker, P. Ravier and M. Sidorchuk: Ground based detection and study of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-09440, 2008, Vol. 10 (2008)

26. V.B. Ryabov and K. Ito: Intermittent Phase Transitions in a Slider-Block Model as a Mechanism for Earthquakes., PAGEOPH (2000)

27. V.B. Ryabov: Intermittent phase transitions in a two-dimensional stick-slip model of earthquakes., Proc. Fifth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynanical Systems, May 23-27, Snowbird, Utah, pp.55 (1999)

28. V.B. Ryabov and K. Ito: A chaotic model of earthquakes., Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific: First International Conference on Nonlinear, Hong Kong, 13-16 July, pp.95 (1999)

29. A.M. Correig, M. Urquizu and V.B. Ryabov: The dynamics of microseism time series. , 26th General assembly of the European Seismological Comission, Tel Aviv, 23-28 August (1998)

30. V.B. Ryabov, P.V. Usik and D.M. Vavriv: Chaotic encoding of information without synchronization., AIP Conference Proceding, #411 of the Int. Conf. “Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems near the Millennium”, USA, pp.329-334 (1997)

31. Yu.A. Tsarin, V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Problems of the application of Melnikov method for chaos forecast in dissipative dynamical systems., Proc. of the First International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise in Physics, Biology, Electronic Technology and Information Technology, Hungary, pp.251-259 (1996)

32. V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Current Lyapunov exponents and chaos arising conditions., The 15-th Workshop: Dynamics Days, Hungary, Budapest (1994)

33. V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Current Lyapunov exponents and chaos arising conditions., The 15-th Workshop: Dynamics Days, Hungary, Budapest (1994)

34. D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov and P.V. Usik: Correlation Dimension and Information Processing, Proceedings of the XVII Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Conference, pp.26-28 (1992) (in Russian)

35. V.B. Ryabov: Systematic errors in fractal dimensions calculations., Proc. of the XXII General Assembly of URSI, Czechoslovakia, Prague (1990)

36. V.B. Ryabov: Statistical errors in f(a)-spectrum calculation., Proc. of the 2nd All-union conference "Nonlinear oscillations of mechanical systems", USSR, Gorkiy, Vol. 1 (1990) (in Russian)

37. D.M. Vavriv, G.A. Gromov and V.B. Ryabov: Effect of noise on the dynamics of a non-autonomous Duffing oscillator., Proc. of the 2nd All-union conference "Nonlinear oscillations of mechanical systems", USSR, Gorkiy, Vol. 1 (1990) (in Russian)

38. D.M. Vavriv and V.B. Ryabov: Fractal dimensions: Problems of calculations, Proc. of the 10-th Int. Conf. on Noise in Phys. Syst., Hungary, Budapest, pp.645-649 (1989)

39. A.B. Belogortsev, I.Yu. Chernyshov, V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Chaotic dynamics of weakly nonlinear oscillators with quasiperiodic excitation., Proc. IV Int. Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, USSR, Kiev, Vol. 2, pp.354-357 (1989) (in Russian)

