Microwave-plasma combustion of coal

Theoretical and experimental investigations of the microwave plasma combustion of coal have been performed in cooperation with other organizations. Experimental plasma burners with the CW microwave power of 5 kW and 100 kW have been developed and tested. In the experiments, a reliable ignition and stable combustion of varios types of lean coals have been achieved. This technology allows an alternative to oil or gas fuel for ignition and stabilization of burning of lean coal. The achieved specific power consumption for plasma coal ignition and combustion is at an order of magnitude lower compared to this value (in equivalent unit) if gas or fuel oil is used as start-up and back-up fuel [1, 2].

Fig.1 Plasma-coal torch in a microwave-plasma burner


1. P.M. Kanilo, V.I. Kazantsev, N.I. Rasyuk, K. Schuenemann and D.M. Vavriv: Microwave plasma combustion of coal., Fuel, Vol. 82, pp.187-193 (2003)

2. D.M. Vavriv, V.I. Kazantsev, P.M. Kanilo, M.M. Levin, N.I. Rasyuk, K. Schuenemann, S.V. Gritsaenko and A.V. Tymchik: Microwave plasma technology of coal combustion., Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 7, #1, pp.88-96 (2002) (in Russian)